Luke 19:29-44 It was Palm Sunday, and the mother’s 5 year old son had to stay home from church because of a strep throat. When the rest of the family returned home carrying palm branches, the little boy asked what they were for. His mother explained, “People held them over Jesus’ head as he walked…

Romans 6:1-14 One of the more puzzling doctrines in church history is “Christian perfectionism”, developed by the Methodist societies that came from John Wesley at the end of the 18th century. Later in the middle 1800s with the evangelist Charles Finney, this doctrine became “entire sanctification.” “Christian perfectionism” and “entire sanctification” refer to a state…

Romans 5:20-6:4 There is a wonderful movie starring Dustin Hoffman titled, Hero. In this film Dustin Hoffman plays a character who is always in trouble with the law. Among other things, he buys and sells stolen goods. In the beginning of the film, he is in court accused of selling a lot of stolen latex…

Romans 5:12-21 I have been sick this past week and so have not had the mental energy to pull this sermon together as much as I would like. It will take more work on your part than usual to hear what it is God has to say to you. There are some good things here,…

Romans 5:12-21 In November 2004 Dutch film-maker Theo van Gogh, a descendent of the Impressionist artist, Vincent van Gogh, was shot and stabbed to death by a radical Muslim. At issue was a film he made titled Submission which was written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali immigrant who became a member of the Dutch…

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