Psalm 137 Our daughter Caitlin and her husband John left yesterday morning. They flew back to Philadelphia in the US and will leave in August for Banda Aceh in Indonesia to work on economic development and public health issues for this area devastated by the tsunami this past December. It may be a year or…

Acts 2:42-47 I have a rich fantasy life. I used to do a lot of traveling when I was in business in the US and I used to work on a system of rules that would govern my ability to travel into the past. I wasn’t concerned about the technology of how I would travel…

Acts 2:22-36 Jerusalem at the time of Jesus had a population of about 35,000 to 55,000 people. By modern definitions this was not a city, merely a decent sized town. To help you put this in perspective, Jerusalem was about the size of Chefchaouene and El Aïoun or perhaps as large as Azrou. During the…

Acts 2:14-21 Last week when I preached from the first thirteen verses of Acts 2, I made the point that Pentecost was an historical event, like the birth of Jesus and the death and resurrection of Jesus. And in this sense, Christmas, Easter and Pentecost are all unrepeatable events. After church someone came up and…

Acts 2:1-13 Of the four gospels, it is Luke that pays most attention to the Holy Spirit. When John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. When Jesus began his public ministry, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was…

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