Isaiah 40:27-31 I was in the US from August 30 until September 9 for the wedding of my nephew and a memorial service for my mother. The week before I returned, I was at the home of my wife’s parents west of Boston in Massachusetts. We sat in their screened porch each lunch looking out…

Psalms Please open your Bibles to Psalm 151. Can someone please stand and read that psalm for us this morning? You can’t find it in your Bible? What translation are you reading from? Well then, let’s turn to Revelation 22 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone…

Psalm 86 When we lived in New Jersey, on the east coast of the US below New York City, we lived next to a nature preserve. Here in Rabat we go jogging in the Hilton forét. In New Jersey, we would run through trails in the forest of the nature preserve. It was really such…

Psalm 142 A week ago I was driving with Annie to have dinner with a member of the church. I had been to this man’s house once but that was a while ago. His portable phone was not working so I called a friend to get directions. I recognized the field where we were to…

Psalm 25 As I was approaching the end of June, I knew I wanted to end the sermons on Acts and begin something new for the summer. I had preached on the Psalms of Ascent, psalms 121 to 133 in the summer of 2000 and decided to return to them this summer. The question was…

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