Colossians 1:24-27 Aurelius Augustinus, Augustine of Hippo, was born in what is today Algeria on November 13, 354 and died on August 28, 430 when the Vandals had Hippo under siege. Although he lived more than fifteen hundred years ago, Roman Catholics consider him a saint and the pre-eminent Doctor of the Church. Evangelical Protestants…

Isaiah 11:1-10 A stump speaks of what has been. A long time ago an acorn lay in the ground. It was buried under the leaves and other debris of the forest. It disappeared from sight until one day a tiny shoot came up out of the ground. It managed not to be stepped on or…

Philippians 1:12-26 When I was away in October, I finished reading through the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, and then because Dave Robey was preaching through Philippians, I decided to begin reading that book for my devotional time. Philippians is a great book to read and I regret that I was not…

Isaiah 9:2-7 I was an Emergency Medical Technician during my years as a pastor in Ohio in the early 1980s. EMTs are trained to arrive at an emergency and stabilize the person injured or sick and then take them to the hospital. When there was an emergency, the siren went off and we were called….

Psalm 19, Philippians 3:12-15, John 17:18 When I was back in the US last month, I went on a two day prayer retreat at a camp in the northern woods of New Jersey. This camp had four hundred acres of land (177 hectors) with a lodge built on the edge of a small lake. The…

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