Romans 6:21-23 A couple weeks ago Peter Lee preached and talked about his experience of moving from Seoul, Korea at the age of 15 to South Carolina in the US. The first year in the States was a very difficult time for my entire family.  My older brother likes to call that first seven, eight…

Romans 6:15-23 Bob Dylan was in the 1960s the conscience of that rebellious generation. He is best known for the music he wrote but his influence on other singers and song writers is also part of his legacy. In late1978 Dylan was busy being born again. His widely-publicized conversion to Christianity made him perhaps the…

Romans 6:8-15 I talked with a friend this week who used to play rugby. For those of you unfamiliar with this game, there are two kinds of rugby: rugby and rugby league. Here is a quote I found that will help you to see the difference. Football (soccer) is a gentleman’s game played by thugs….

Romans 6:11-14 Calvin Coolidge was president of the US in the 1920s and was known for being a man of few words. A man once came up to him and said, “I didn’t vote for you.” Coolidge replied, “Somebody did.” A female visitor to the White House once told him, “Mr. President, I bet you…

Romans 6:1-14 When I was exploring the possibility of choosing to follow Jesus, one of my objections about Christian faith was the hypocrisy I saw in people who went to church. One of the Sunday School teachers in the church I attended while in high school left the US for Switzerland to escape the tax…

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