Matthew 4:1-11 What do you tell someone who comes and asks you what have been the highpoints of your life? If you have a photo album or are particularly “with it” and have a digital collection of your photos, what do you show someone who wants to know the most important events in your life?…

Matthew 3 This coming weekend 20 of us will be taking a bus to Erfoud, in the south of Morocco on the border with Algeria and on the edge of the Sahara Desert. I have wanted for several years to make a trek to the desert but this will be the first time for me…

Matthew 2 Why does it have to be so difficult to make a decision? Which college should I go to? Should I ask her to marry me? Should I say yes if he asks me to marry him? Or maybe I should break social convention and ask him to marry me? Should I look for…

Matthew 1:1-19 Matthew started his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus, which seems a strange place to start. It certainly does not seem to be the most stimulating way to begin a gospel account. If I were to tell you the story of my life and began with a long list of the names of…

Various I suspect that last Sunday God decided it should be “Be Nice to Jack & Ann Day”. After Sunday School we had a potluck and at the potluck we were given some very nice gifts and invitations and people said some very kind words in honor of our six years here at RPF. And…

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