Acts 2:1-22 For six and a half years now I have been living in Rabat and taking trips back to the US. I go back once and sometimes twice a year. In the beginning when I went back it was very strange. I was still adjusting to the culture here and when I went back…

Acts 3 In last week’s sermon I talked about Peter preaching in the temple courtyard, right in the backyard of those who had manipulated events so that Jesus was arrested, beaten and crucified. I asked if his preaching was bold, foolish or stupid and the conclusion was that because God had orchestrated the event and…

Acts 4:1-21 There are certainties and uncertainties in life. That men and women are often wrong in the predictions they make is one of the certainties. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” – attributed to Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943. “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” –…

Acts 3:1-26 At the end of Acts 2 there is a summary of the activity of the church and Luke wrote Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. There were many wonders and miraculous signs, but some were more dramatic than others. Someone may have had…

Acts 3:1-10 The text this morning tells a story that is quite dramatic and is one of the stories in the Bible that I understand better after having lived in Rabat for six years. Beggars in Morocco have assigned places where they sit each day. I don’t know how it is worked out, but I…

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