Various From the beginning of my Christian life, I have struggled with prayer. In seminary I took a theology class my first year and asked a lot of questions about prayer. I am still asking the same questions. Why do we need to pray? Psalm 139:1-4 O LORD, you have searched me and you know…

Acts 27:13-44 (Started with Korean story – or maybe from India because people from India knew this story as well and, as they pointed out, there are no tigers in Korea – for the Children’s Chat) The Ungrateful Tiger A long time ago, high in the mountains, the people of a small village came together…

Acts 5:1-11 A preacher was preaching on our text today, about Ananias and Sapphira who were struck dead when they told a lie. He said to his congregation, “God doesn’t strike people dead for lying in these modern times. If he did, where would I be?” The people in the congregation smiled and then he…

Acts 4:32 – 5:11 I would think that most of us, at one point or another, have wished that we could be part of a church fellowship like the one we read about in Acts. The closest I have come to this is the group at Park Street Church in Boston where I first attended…

Acts 4:4 The book of Acts opens with a bang as the Holy Spirit promised to the disciples by Jesus came with power. The early church exploded with many new believers and miraculous signs and wonders abounded. This was an exciting time in the church and we love to read it and share in the…

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