Exodus 20:3 The supreme god in Greek mythology was Zeus. Being the supreme god meant he had easy access to the women of the world and made him difficult to resist. He married four times. His final marriage was to Hera but she was followed by many lovers. One of these was Io with whom…

Exodus 20:3-6 A little boy was drawing with his crayons. When his mother asked him what he was drawing, he answered, “God.” “But,” his mother said, “nobody knows what God looks like.” “They will,” the boy answered, “when I finish my picture.” That little story is the second commandment. Actually, there is some dispute about…

various As pastor of RPF, I come to church on most Sundays wearing a coat and tie. Being a rational being, during the summer months I put away my coat and tie and wear my African shirts. When I leave church, the shirt may have absorbed a bit of sweat, but it is still basically…

Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 5 On our two week vacation at the end of August, we had three significant volcano experiences. The first was on the Greek island of Santorini. These Greek islands were the home of the Minoan civilization that lasted for over three thousand years and the destruction of this civilization is probably the…

Various John received a vision of heaven in which Jesus, the lamb who was slain, receives the praises of all of creation: Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise! Is this a true picture? We read it and are impressed….

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