Romans 8:10-13 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? I received a phone call from a friend this week to tell me he had watched pornography on his computer. He does not want to do this and yet he does it. I hold him accountable for this…

Romans 8:5-11 I have a pocket watch that belonged to my grandfather. I never met him because he died when I was in my motherā€™s womb but I think I would have liked him. He was born in Switzerland, and he liked watches, which I guess makes sense since Switzerland is know for making fine…

Romans 8:1-4 Chapter 8 beings with the word therefore and as I heard when I was first a Christian, when you read in the Bible the word therefore you have to ask yourself the question, ā€œWhat is the therefore there for?ā€ There are three great therefores in Romans. We looked at the first one in…

Romans 7:14-25 There is a lot of speculation about whether or not Robert Louis Stevenson was inspired by Romans 7 when in 1885 he wrote his story, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But whether or not Stevenson was inspired by Romans 7, his story and this part of Paulā€™s letter deal with…

Romans 7:1-13 In 1990, our family visited the area of Mt. St. Helena, a volcano that blew up ten years earlier in the week of our daughter Caitlinā€™s birth. This was a marvelous vacation but I did something that was very difficult for me to do on that vacation. Near the site of the eruption,…

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