John 20:1-18 Last week, Easter Sunday, I began my sermon by talking about the traditions of my family when I was growing up. One of the things I talked about was how we would color Easter eggs on Saturday night and then the Easter Bunny would hide them while we slept. In the morning, before…

John 20:1-18 I grew up in a family with many traditions. We began celebrating Easter on Saturday night when we would color Easter Eggs, dipping white eggs into cups of dye to make multi-colored eggs. These were set out for the Easter bunny to hide that night while we slept. Then we went to sleep…

Matthew 7:7-27 A few years ago someone sent me this story. The other night my three-year old son and I had been through the regular nightly routine: story, prayer, hugs. Then as my hand slide down the light switch, “I want a gink.” He can’t say “drink” and I thought it was kinda’ cute, “gink.”…

Matthew 6:1-24 Last week in the sermon from Matthew 5 I talked about the Kingdom of God and this week we need again to be reminded about what the Kingdom of God is because without an understanding of the Kingdom of God, the teaching of Jesus becomes less effective in our lives. This is because…

Matthew 5 There are things you need to know when you go to another country. For instance, if I walk into a home in Morocco, I need to be ready to take off my shoes when I walk onto the rug area of the salon. When I eat from a common bowl, I need to…

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