Acts 6:8-15 If you have a choice of two books to read, one titled, How to Live and the other How to Die, which would you pick up? When I googled “how to live” and “how to die” there were more than five times as many entries for how to live than for how to…

Acts 6:1-7 What happens if you build a house and then do nothing to it? In just ten or twenty years the house will be a wreck. The lawn will have become a little forest. Water pipes will have burst and the leaking water will have destroyed the floors. Mold and other plant life will…

Acts 5:33-41 Over the past few weeks I have been talking about the confrontation that took place between the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of Jewish leaders, and the disciples of Jesus. This morning as we take a look at Acts 5 and this second encounter between the disciples and the Sanhedrin, it might be helpful…

Acts 5:17-33 Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. It is not difficult to understand why the Sadducees were jealous. There was just one religion. There were not a number of religions from which to choose. And in this religious monopoly,…

Acts 5:12-16 Do you want to see a miracle this morning? Actually I did not say that right. DO YOU WANT TO SEE A MIRACLE THIS MORNING? That’s how it is usually said. We like miracles. Miracles are exciting. Evangelists and faith healers use miracles to attract people to their meetings. “Come see a miracle!”…

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