I Samuel 2:11-36 Why is it that no one names their sons Hophni or Phinehas but lots of people name their sons Samuel or Eli? They are all biblical names and many parents want to give their children a biblical name. There are also not a lot of children named Ananias or Sapphira. But there…

I Samuel 1 If you have ever had to memorize the books of the Bible, you know that it starts with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. This is the Pentateuch, the heart of the Old Testament. After Deuteronomy comes Joshua, Judges, Ruth and then I Samuel. This is the book from which I will…

Various I wasn’t in heaven this past six weeks, but I was very close. Northeast France is extraordinarily beautiful. The photo on the bulletin cover is a taste of what we experienced. You can see in the distance Mt. Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps and in Western Europe. We ate at a restaurant…

Acts 7:51-8:1 Over the past seven and a half years, I have become a huge fan of Paul. When I was a new Christian and we were asked one day in a small group who we most wanted to talk to when we arrived in heaven, I said Peter. If you ask me that question…

Acts 6:15-8:1 When I was in the sixth grade, about 11 years old, I was standing in line to go into Mrs. Greenleaf’s class. A third grade student came to give a message to her and as he passed us I told him, “Be careful, she’s in a bad mood this morning.” I meant it…

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