Genesis 18 We begin today the four Sundays of Advent. Very early in the history of the church there was a focus on the two big events in the life of Christ that were celebrated: his birth, and death and resurrection. By the fourth century, the church marked a period of time of preparation for…

various It is stunning and a bit frightening to me how dependent we have become on computers and other electronic devices. This past Monday night, my computer stopped working. When I tried to start it up, it would not get to a screen where I could do anything. I tried it over and over again….

Acts 9:1-19 When Saul set out from Jerusalem to Damascus, he had no idea his life would be turned upside down, shaken and reordered. Saul was a Pharisee who was zealous in his protection of Torah, the law of God, that was being rejected by the Jews who followed Jesus. He had stood as witness…

I Samuel 7:15-8:22 There are a few exceptions, but most people do not like house cleaning. One person wrote this little ditty: If the shelves are dusty and the pots don’t shine, it’s because I have better things to do with my time. Erma Bombeck wrote: My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first…

Luke 1&2 My daughter Caitlin gave birth nine months ago today (so Sam has been out of the womb for just as long as he was in the womb) and my other daughter, Elizabeth, will give birth at the end of January. And I have to tell you that it is a very strange feeling…

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