Romans 8:28 We live in a broken world which Eugene O’Neill knew first hand. O’Neill was an American playwright who was born in 1888. His mother was an emotionally fragile woman who never recovered from the death of her second son who died when he was just two years old. The birth of her third…

Romans 8:26-27 Children’s prayers are cute. You can find some on the internet and it is always difficult to tell if someone made them up or if children really prayed these prayers. But in either case, they are cute. Dear GOD, Please send me a pony. I never asked for anything before. You can look…

Romans 8:17-27 In the four sermons of Advent this past December, we looked at birth stories in the Bible but I never talked about the experience of giving birth. Bill Cosby is an American comedian and actor and he once said that the pain of childbirth was overrated by women. “Men,” he said, “suffer a…

Romans 8:12-17 I was looking on the internet for how long preachers have preached from just one book of the Bible and found this piece of satire. 24 April, 2007 Pastor Begins 35th Year of Preaching Through Ephesians RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Expository preachers are often known for spending lengthy periods of time in one book…

Exodus 2 This morning is the second Sunday in Advent, the four week period before Christmas in which we focus on waiting for the celebration of the birth of Jesus and for the promised return of Jesus. Currently, my oldest daughter is waiting in Boston for a much anticipated birth at the end of January…

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