Acts 8:1-8 In the animated Woody Allen movie, Antz, a ladybug and a dung beatle are at a garbage dump. They come across some animal scat, feces, excrement, poop, whatever you call it. The ladybug says, “This tastes just like crap.” The dung beatle says, “Really? Let me try some. Hey, it is crap! Not…

Matthew 10 Today on Palm Sunday we come in our preaching through the chapters of Matthew to chapter ten. This is a chapter that focuses on the sending out by Jesus of his twelve disciples to do the work he came to do. It may seem strange to you to preach on the sending out…

Matthew 9:9-13 The early church was nearly unanimous that the apostle Matthew was the author of the gospel that bears his name – which makes the account of the call of Matthew by Jesus especially interesting. When we read the call of Matthew by Jesus, we are reading a first hand, front seat, personal view…

Matthew 8 I look forward each year to preaching from the Gospels during Lent and this year I made a mistake. When I looked on the web to find the date Lent started, I used the date for 2007 rather than 2008. So we have missed three Sundays in Lent. Today is the fourth Sunday…

Romans 8:28-39 Across the river in Albertville, France (where I have gone to study French) there is an old chateau that was one of the places pilgrims would stay on their medieval pilgrimages. On Bastille Day, July 14, they have a big fireworks display that shoots up in the sky from this medieval chateau. We…

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