Psalm 73 I hate traveling. You have to pack and struggle to stay under the weight limit for baggage. Then you have to lug your bags to the airport and begin standing in line. After inching your way forward to the front of the line, you finally have your boarding ticket and now you go…

Acts 8:26-40 This past Thursday we had a RIC day at the beach. We announced this in the bulletin for at least three weeks ahead of time and I mentioned this in church during announcements. We had a great time. I put up my WWI biplane kite with a long colorful tail and then flew…

Psalm 51 Is church a place for saints or for sinners? Who are we? Are we saints or are we sinners? There are four possibilities for us with this choice. We can be saints. We can be sinners. We can be saints and sinners at the same time. Or we can be neither saints nor…

Psalm 42 / 43 In Numbers 16 there is an account of a power struggle that took place between Moses and some of the community leaders of the Israelites. Korah, Dathan and Abiram decided that it was not fair that Aaron and his sons were the head priests. Korah, Dathan and Abiram were responsible for…

Psalms When I last preached, two weeks ago, Saul was being sent off to Tarsus by the brothers in Jerusalem and then followed a period of peace in the account of the church in Acts. It seems a good time to take a break from Acts and move on to another part of the Bible….

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