Colossians 1:15-20 Monday morning I opened up I Samuel and read about the first confrontation between Saul and Samuel when Samuel chastised Saul for making the sacrifice to God himself rather than wait for Samuel. I worked at the text and read the commentaries but felt a gnawing discomfort. I felt this a bit last…

I Samuel 10:17-11:15 If you are looking for someone to run a marathon, you probably do not go door-to-door trying to find out-of-shape people laying in front of the TV watching movies or playing video games. If you are trying to find someone to help you with your accounting, you probably do not look for…

I Samuel 9, 28 In our study of I Samuel we come this morning to the introduction of Saul, Israel’s first king. He was an impressive first choice. If Hollywood had come to Israel in the time of Samuel to make a film about a king, they would have been so excited to have found…

I Samuel 8 Each fall I like to preach from the Old Testament. I Samuel was the text last fall and I focused on the life of the prophet Samuel. I ended in chapter 8 which is a turning point in I Samuel. Samuel does not die until chapter 25 and he still has a…

Ecclesiastes 9 I was planning to preach from I Samuel and the life of Saul this morning but then my father died when I was back in the US. When I preach, I preach from what I am learning and I discovered it would be impossible for me to come back and preach from I…

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