RIC For All the People Luke 2:10 December 20, 2009 Jack Wald What makes a Christmas present a good present? Turn to the person next to you and tell them about the most memorable Christmas present you ever received. [ask people in church what present came to mind] In my family, we opened presents on…

Revelation 1:9-18 When Zak, Tracy and I sat down this summer to choose a theme for preaching this fall and came up with Renewal and Revival, we had a different idea of how this would be. We began thinking we would look back at past revivals and see what lessons we could learn from them…

Ephesians 1:3-14 In May 1982 for our fifth wedding anniversary, I decided to surprise Annie. We belonged to a health food coop at the time, because the food was less expensive and because we wanted to eat healthy foods. Part of what made it inexpensive is that we all took turns doing the work and…

Luke 4:14-21, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 19:1-10 Imagine the scene. It’s Saturday, time to go to the synagogue for the weekly service. You step in and there is a bit of a buzz. “Did you see who’s come back? It’s Jesus, Mary’s son. I hear he has been teaching in synagogues all over the place. Everyone…

Revelation 1:10-18 One of my all-time favorite movies is Cool Hand Luke with Paul Newman. I know this dates me but classics should never be forgotten. Cook Hand Luke contains some memorable lines such as: “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” And for those of you who love eggs, there is a…

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