Romans 12:9-16 When I read in the New Testament one of the lists of behaviors that are supposed to characterize my life, if I am paying attention, I get overwhelmed. Listen again to this list from today’s text. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to…

Romans 12:2 Margaret Gorman in 1921, at the age of 16, was crowned the winner in the first Miss America beauty contest. In the swimsuit competition, she wore a wool bathing dress with a baggy tunic top over leggings. What made her outfit risqué was that she had her leggings rolled half way down her…

Romans 12:1 Our churches today are sterile in comparison to the Temple that Jesus knew. A few years ago I wanted to bring a man riding a donkey into RIC for Palm Sunday but was talked out of it. Someone said the donkey might relieve himself in the church and I said I hoped he…

Romans 12:1      Friends, I’d like to recall a story from the book of parables.  You all remember how the Good Samaritan was walking along the country road.  Suddenly he was set upon by Ali Baba and the forty thieves, who grabbed him and stripped him naked.  They took his clothes and threw some by…

RIC Do not be afraid Various texts December 27, 2009 Jack Wald What kind of year will 2010 be for you? You may be planning a move and be wondering whether you will find good friends, good schools and a good church. Your parents may be aging and you wonder how they will cope with…

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