Psalm 77 Village of Hope The events of this week have affected us, some more than others. I want to say upfront that it is not that those who have been most affected have bigger hearts than those who were less affected. It has to do with how intimately connected you are to the Village…

Matthew 19:1-12 Normally when I look for jokes on a certain topic, I find just a few, ten or twenty at most. But when I looked for jokes on the subject of divorce, I was amazed at how long the lists were. Here is a small sampling: My husband and I divorced over religious differences….

Matthew 18:1-4 If I offered you today the choice to change your life and become again a four or five year old, how many of you would take me up on the offer? It might be your life is particularly difficult and you want a change, but in that case, you might want to change…

Romans 12:14, 17-21 One day in the early months of my time in Rabat, I was waiting by the Shell station on Mohammed VI for a woman who was going to show me some houses for Annie and I to look at. As I was waiting this guy came up to me acting crazy. He…

Romans 12:9-16 I would imagine some of you have read the book, The Shack, which has been popular the last couple years. The story is about a man who suffers a great loss when his young daughter is abducted and killed. He goes to a shack where he meets the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy…

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