Gospels We’ve been looking at encounters with Jesus over this period of Lent. We started with the Widow of Nain whose dead son Jesus raised to life. We followed with John’s disciples who came to Jesus asking if he was the Messiah. Then came the paralytic whose four friends carried him to Jesus; Simon the…

Matthew 14:22-33 There are a lot of things the disciples did with Jesus that I would like to do. Giving blind people given their sight, helping people who were lame stand up and walk, casting out demons and seeing a life restored, these are all things I would like to do. It must have been…

Luke 7:36-50 What did people do for entertainment in the days before radio and television, movies and the internet? You can see it here in the streets of Morocco. When there is an accident or two people get upset and fight, a crowd gathers around to watch. One day when I was buying chickens in…

Luke 7:18-28 If John the Baptist showed up at your door to ask your daughter out on a date, you would shut the door in his face. John the Baptist looked a lot more like the crazy, homeless people we see in the streets of Rabat than anyone else. Some of you will remember Dan…

Luke 7:11-17 We all know the story of Thomas who was absent when Jesus appeared to the disciples after his resurrection. When he returned they told him they had seen Jesus but he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of…

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