Apostlesā€™ Creed Will heaven be boring? One of my favorite Mark Twain books is Letters from the Earth. The first part of this book is composed of letters that Lucifer, who went to earth to investigate the situation, wrote back to his fellow archangels, Michael and Gabriel. He begins by writing about the human view…

Apostlesā€™ Creed We come this morning in our series of sermons on the Apostlesā€™ Creed to ā€œI believe in the forgiveness of sins.ā€ What would it be like if there was not forgiveness for sins? My mother had a difficult time forgiving. Her best friend, my fatherā€™s oldest sister, betrayed her in the split of…

Apostlesā€™ Creed Does the Holy Spirit get upset when people ignore him? For many years, the Evangelical church in the US was accused of being Bitarian rather than Trinitarian because it talked about the Father and the Son but almost never about the Holy Spirit. Did the Holy Spirit feel like a third wheel in…

Apostlesā€™ Creed As a child, some of my most exciting days were the days leading up to Christmas. About three weeks before Christmas we went out to cut down a pine tree and then put it in the tree stand in our living room. The tree we cut each year was a white pine with…

Apostlesā€™ Creed What would you do if it were proved that Jesus did not rise from the dead? Iā€™m not sure what the evidence might be. Perhaps someone found a tomb with a body that had been crucified with a slit in the side and perhaps there was a marker that said this was Jesus…

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