James 2:8-13 Do you think James ever heard his half-brother, Jesus, teach? Did James ever see Jesus do a miracle? After Joseph died, Jesus took over the carpentry business but then at some point he passed this on to his younger brothers and began traveling around. When he came back to Nazareth, the stories of…

James 2:1-7 In our series of sermons from James, we come to a passage that talks about showing favoritism. (James 2:1–7) My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your…

James 1:17-26 Have you ever regretted something you said in the heat of an argument? I have gotten better over the years, but there are many moments I would like to have back, and many words I would like to revise. In today’s text James writes: let every person be quick to hear, slow to…

James 1:13-18 The year before we moved to Rabat, we visited our youngest daughter who was living in Tanzania. We spent one of our three weeks on a safari which was an absolutely wonderful experience and which included a hot air balloon ride. I have ridden in a hot air balloon only once in my…

James 1:2-12 Are you rich or poor? In most communities in the world, there are wealthy congregations and poorer congregations. It is not normal to have a wide range of incomes in the same church. But we are an exceptional church in many ways and one of these is that in our diversity, there is…

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