Luke 13:10-17 Last week Peter preached from the story of Jesus and the woman healed from bleeding when she touched his cloak. I read the scripture passage from Mark before he preached which begins with a synagogue ruler named Jairus who came up to Jesus. (Mark 5:22–23) Seeing Jesus, he fell at his feet 23…

Luke 4:31-41 Of all those Jesus encountered in his three years of ministry, who knew most clearly who he was? Moses and Elijah met with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration and they certainly knew who he was. Everyone else seemed to know Jesus was someone special but were not quite sure about him. When…

James 4:11-12 Mike mentioned last week in his sermon that James was a bit too intense. He said that James would be a difficult friend to have, always pushing for perfection. Mike is not the only person to feel that way. There are many who find James too intense. The pastor of a church I…

James 3:1-12 A boy runs into the house crying because someone said something mean and the boy’s mother holds her child and says, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me,” as a way of soothing her son. This is a children’s rhyme that first appeared in print in 1862…

James 2:14-26 Rich Mullins – Screen Door It’s about as useless as A screen door on a submarine Faith without works baby It just ain’t happenin’ One is your left hand One is your right It’ll take two strong arms To hold on tight Some folks cut off their nose Just to spite their face…

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