various The shepherds were sitting by the fire, sometimes talking and sometimes listening to the sounds of the night. The sheep bleating, insects and frogs making their mating cries, night owls swooping. They listened for the sound of sheep becoming uneasy because predators were creeping up to attack. They looked at the stars and the…

Deuteronomy 15:1-11 I am glad that this sermon series on social justice is generating discussion. It is important that we think about how our faith applies to all areas of life. One of the questions that has been asked is: What is it the poor are supposed to do to change their situation? There are…

various texts Last Sunday I gave four reasons why we should do social justice. First, our fellow human beings are created in the image of God and therefore deserve to be respected. A second reason for doing social justice is that we who follow Jesus are a community who should model ourselves after the Trinity:…

Various Do you remember the story of Job in the Old Testament? Job was a wealthy man who was (Job 1:1) ā€œblameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.ā€ And then disaster hit. Bad news after bad news arrived and then Job was struck by painful sores from head to toe. Job sat in…

Jonah 4 When a food critic comes to a restaurant, absolutely loves the food the chef has prepared, and writes a rave review, this is a delight to the chef. When a writerā€™s novel is published and is a best seller, this is deeply gratifying to the author. When a football player is chosen to…

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