Ephesians 3:14-19 When I was young, I used to think that people in the middle ages were not very intelligent, and that with the passing of time we have become more and more intelligent. In the middle ages superstition thrived because people did not know why there were eclipses or why there were earthquakes. In…

Ephesians 3:1-13 I did a quick search on the internet and discovered that Jews are going to hell. They will be joined by Catholics and atheists. Liberal Christians are going to hell as are gays and Islamic terrorists. To my surprise I discovered that aliens will also go to hell. If I had looked longer…

Acts 9:1-19 We celebrate this Easter morning the resurrection of Jesus and his triumph over death. In the John passage that was read this morning (John 20-1-21), Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to ten of the disciples, and then to Thomas who was absent when Jesus appeared to the other disciples. But this was…

Mark 1:9-11 One of the more depressing songs of the 1960s was a song titled, “Is That All There Is?” sung by Peggy Lee. It is a song that speaks of someone who goes through life and finds no meaning to the events of life. The lyrics are spoken and then the chorus sung. I…

Mark 1:9-11 The Apostle Paul was preaching in Antioch, giving a history of Israel, and in the course of his preaching he said God viewed King David as, “a man after my own heart.” (Acts 13:22) David has always been a difficult person for me to understand. On the one hand, he is so appealing….

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