Psalm 23:5 I learned to drive with my knees while eating a sandwich the summer after my second year of university. I had a job selling food from a truck. I had a route and stopped at industrial sites and sold breakfast and lunch to workers at those sites. Time was off the essence and…

Psalm 23:4b On Christmas Day, 2005, Annie and I, along with a friend, were walking on the path that cuts across the valley behind our house. We were heading into Centreville to attend the Christmas Day service when all of a sudden two young men with knives jumped out to rob us. This was just…

Psalm 23:4a Last week I stood by the coffin containing the body of Precious Joe as it was lowered into the ground. Handfuls of dirt and then shovelfuls of dirt landed on the coffin and then, at the end, there was a new mound of fresh dirt in a cemetery of buried bodies. Our Liberian…

Psalm 23:3 If you have worked for a number of companies or organizations, you know that there are good bosses and bad bosses. There are good teachers and bad teachers. There are good friends and bad friends. Why is this so? It could be a matter of competency. There are some teachers who do not…

Psalm 23:2 In a little more than a month, Morocco will celebrate the Eid Kabir, Eid Al Adha. Take your camera out in the weeks before and you will get pictures of sheep tied onto the roofs of taxis, crammed into the trunks of cars, in the back of the small Honda trucks, and even…

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