I Samuel 18:1-4 Iā€™m reading a book titled, Summer of ā€˜49 by David Halberstam. It talks about the competition between two baseball teams in 1949: the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees. You donā€™t need to know anything about the game of baseball to understand what I want to tell you, so relax….

Joshua 2:1-21 I love the people of RIC. Over the years I have been here I have met the most extraordinary people and have been privileged to hear the stories of many of their lives. We read in the news about people who are sexually promiscuous, about children who are abused, about youth who prostitute…

Exodus 1:6-22 Choosing a name for your baby is not an easy process. Do you name your child-to-be after someone in the family? Do you want an uncommon name? Do you want to name your child-to-be after someone in the Bible? There are pitfalls in all these approaches. Suppose Helen was your motherā€™s name and…

II Kings 5:1-3 The first time my father saw my mother was at a party when she was leading a conga line. She was popular and had lots of dates; she was the life of the party. In their married life, she and my father were the center of a group of people who had…

Psalm 23:6 ā€œAnd they all lived happily ever after.ā€ We like happy endings. Books and movies that end well lift us up. Life is stressful enough so that when I watch a movie, I want it to end with at least the hope of redemption. I want to know that there is something good that…

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