Matthew 5:10-12 If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many words is a video? In this last of our series of sermons on the beatitudes in Matthew 5, we come to: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. When I was a new follower…

various Why is it that revivals do not seem to last very long? The Great Awakening in 1740 swept through the American colonies bringing enthusiasm for Christian faith and transforming society. But this enthusiasm did not last. The children of those who came to faith in the Great Awakening were less enthusiastic and by the…

Mark 2:13-17 We celebrate today the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Jesus who taught with authority, the great healer, who had authority over demons, came into Jerusalem with a large, exuberant crowd. They followed him and ran ahead of him as he rode in the midst of this celebration on the colt of a…

Various John the Baptist had disciples who followed him. They lived with him. They watched him as he interacted with the crowds who came from Jerusalem to see if he might be Israel’s first prophet in four hundred years and maybe be the long promised Messiah who would deliver Israel. Wherever John the Baptist went,…

Mark 1:21-34 In this period of Lent, the forty days before Easter, we are looking at major emphases in the ministry of Jesus. Elliot talked about Jesus getting away to pray on a regular basis. If we want to be more like Jesus, then we too need to take time to get away. Last week…

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