Luke 24, John 20 John Fischer has a song titled, “Jesus is the only way, but there’s more than one way to Jesus.” This is disturbing to followers of Jesus when you first hear it. Followers of Jesus resist the world view that all religions have truth and all are valid paths to God. But…

Matthew 23:1-12 I began the sermon last Sunday asking, “Did Jesus love his disciples?” The answer, of course, is, “Yes, Jesus loved his disciples.” Did Jesus love everyone he met? It is clear to me that the answer to that question is also, “Yes.” Jesus came to rescue all men and women, not just some…

Matthew 10:16 Did Jesus love his disciples? Of course he did. Jesus loved people. The gospels are full of examples of his actions that resulted from loving and having compassion on people. In Mark 10:21 we read about how Jesus felt about the rich, young ruler who came to him. Jesus looked at him and…

Matthew 14:28-33 There are some days when so much happens it feels that a week passed in just 24 hours and Matthew 14 shows us one of those days in the life of Jesus. This is a fascinating chapter, full of drama. John the Baptist boldly confronted Herod Antipas who had married his half-niece Herodius,…

Ephesians 6:10-20 We arrive this morning at the end of Paul’s Ephesians letter. Let me remind you what I said about this letter in January when we began again working our way though this letter. Ephesians is one of four letters Paul wrote while in prison in Rome. He was 56 years old, just two…

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