Zechariah 6:1-15 Selah: Follow Jesus We come this morning to the last scene in the vision Zechariah had one night two and a half millennia ago and one of the reasons I wanted us to listen to this song by Selah before the sermon was to illustrate the message of this vision. This is a…

Zechariah 5:5-11 We are coming to the end of the vision Zechariah had one night 2,537 years ago. This is quite amazing to me. I had a dream this week that I was with my grandmother who died when I was ten years old. In this dream she was wondering who had taken a glass…

Zechariah 3:1-10 When we read the Bible that was written 2,000 to 4,000 years ago, we can miss the importance of what we read because we are reading with 21st century eyes and the filter of modern culture. This is why it is important to read commentaries and learn from scholars what they have discovered…

Zechariah 2:1-13 In our series of sermons from the prophet Zechariah, in order to understand the context and scope of this book of the Bible, I thought it would be helpful to begin with a synopsis of Zechariah written by Eugene Peterson in his translation of the Bible, The Message. Zechariah shared with his contemporary…

Zechariah 1:1-6 A time line for this sermon. 2000 BC    God revealed himself to Abraham 1460 BC    Exodus 1040 BC    David conquered Jerusalem 997-990 BC    First Temple built 960 BC    Solomon dies kingdom divided into Judah (2 tribes) and Israel (10 tribes) Amos 767-753 Isaiah 745-685 722 BC    Assyria conquered northern kingdom of Israel Joel…

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