Job 14:1-17 I talked last week about how waiting is a significant part of our Christian experience. When we read through the Bible we discover that Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for the promise they would have a son to be fulfilled. Israel suffered as slaves in Egypt for 200-300 years before God sent…

Psalm 13 How long, Lord? How long must I wait? Have you ever asked that question? We began asking that question before we had words. Our diaper was wet, we were hungry, we wanted attention and what happened? Did we stop to think if this was ok or not? Were we patient? No. We felt…

Philippians 3:17-21 Who are the people you look up to? When you were growing up, who did you idolize? If you had a picture of someone on your bedroom wall, who was it? When I was a young teenager, The Beatles took over the American music scene. There was a girl in my 8th grade…

Philippians 3:15-16 I wonder what it was like to travel with Paul. We know him from his letters and from Luke’s description of his travels, but these do not tell us what he was like sitting by a fire at night, looking up into the sky. They do not tell us what kind of humor…

Philippians 3:4b-11 In the US when you meet someone you introduce yourself, “My name is Jack, what’s yours?” And then there are two questions that follow. “Where are you from?” and “What do you do?” (I understand that the British are not as forthright as this. Getting at “what you do” is a more indirect…

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