Mark 4:26-32 When I was growing up we had a garden that supplied our family of eight plus my grandmother and from time to time one or two others who lived with us. We canned and froze fruits and vegetables so that we only had to buy fruits and vegetables from the store for maybe…

Matthew 18:21-35 A Tale of Two Cities is a novel written by Charles Dickens which begins with the famous line, β€œIt was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” It is a novel that takes place in the two cities of London and Paris during the time of the French Revolution when…

Luke 12:13-21 One of the most memorable moments of my years in Morocco came in June 2006 when I was asked to visit a village outside of Ouarzazate to check out a proposed project to start schools in rural areas. They had requested funding for student education from a group in the US and that…

I Thessalonians 2:17-20 This morning we come to the last of the sermons on I Thessalonians for this year. We will finish up chapter two and then pick up chapter three in January 2020. Next Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent, the forty days before Easter, and we will begin preaching through some of…

I Thessalonians 1:6-10 Whenever I begin preaching from a book of the Bible I approach it with apprehension. I have read I Thessalonians many times over the years, but I wondered what it would be like to preach from it. And then, as it always happens, I fall in love with the book and am…

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