Philippians 4:4 Where do you go in the world if you want to experience joy? A wedding? That would be a good choice. A man and a woman in love, eagerly setting out on the adventure of married life. There is the ceremony with the bride walking down the aisle to the groom who is…

Philippians 4:1-3 This is the third year we are looking at Philippians after Easter. We began preaching from Paul’s letter to the Philippians in April 2017. We worked our way through chapter one and then last year moved through chapters two and three. This morning we come to the end of the letter, chapter four….

Matthew 25:14-30 It has been a wonderful week. Palm Sunday with exuberant worship last Sunday, the Passover Seder Meal on Thursday, the Good Friday service, and then the Easter Sunrise service early this morning. We came to church this Easter Sunday with the expectation of joyous worship. The birth of Jesus was good news of…

Matthew 25:1-13 This morning we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. When will the parade come again? On Thursday some of us will share the Passover Seder meal together and at the end of that meal we remember the promise of Jesus to return and say, “Next year in Jerusalem!” When will he…

Luke 16:1-13 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager is difficult to understand. Those who preach from this struggle to find a way to make the actions of the manager honorable and when Jesus commends the actions of the incompetent, deceitful manager, it is not only a surprise – it is a shock. An employee is…

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