I Peter 2:11-12 Just a few weeks ago I was at the Christmas dinner for Princeton University Press where my wife works. I sat at a table with some of the Princeton professors and the topic came up of my moving to Morocco to be pastor of RPF. The wife of the Comparative English professor…
I Peter 1:22-25 [Start with rocks, plastic cup and pitcher of water.] I have here a glass and a pitcher of water. My goal is to put as much water in the glass as I can. [pour water] How can I get more of this water in the glass? Don’t tell me now, but later…
I Peter 1:6-9 When I was here in September, I preached on the opening verses of I Peter 1. The focus of these sermons was threefold: in the midst or presence of difficulty; first, our identity as strangers in the world protects us. We are visitors to this planet, waiting to go home. Secondly, our…
I Peter 1:1-5 Last week I introduced the book of I Peter. It is written by Peter, one of the 12 disciples. Peter, along with James and John formed the inner circle of three that were closest to Jesus. And while Jesus and John seem to have had a special friendship, Jesus choose Peter to…
I Peter 1:1-5 If in heaven, we have the opportunity to talk with the saints from all of time, I imagine there will be longer lines in front of some people than others. Given that we will be in heaven for eternity, I don’t think long lines will be tedious as they are in this…