Galatians 5:16-25 I was visiting a woman this past Thursday with Habib when we received a phone call that our Egyptian friend Mike was having severe chest pains. He was just recovering from a mild stroke that had put him in the hospital the week before and now this. We rushed back to Rabat and…

Galatians 5:16-26 The fruit of the Spirit is love. We begin this morning with the first of the fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Paul’s letter to the Galatians. The Beatles sang, “All you need is love.” Charlie Brown said, “Love is a warm puppy.” “Would you like to go to a concert with me?”…

Galatians 5:16-26 My family, Annie, Elizabeth and Caitlin love babies. When we went on a safari a couple years ago in Tanzania, wherever we stopped, there was a trio of “Ooooooooh, look at the baby. It’s so cute.” This is a family joke and to get another perspective, talk to Annie after the service. But…

Luke What is good news to one person can be bad news to another. During WWII, while my father served in the Navy, his younger brother was in the Navy Air Force. When it was announced that the war was over and Japan had surrendered, my father celebrated with his shipmates and the whole fleet…

Revelation 19:6-21 When I set out an outline for the four sermons of advent, I thought I had a pretty good series. The first sermon would focus on waiting for Jesus. What are we to do while waiting? The second sermon would talk about how Jesus came in the first advent, the third on how…

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