I Chronicles 4:1-11 On the front page of the May 9, 2001 International Herald Tribune was an article about the prayer of Jabez. Let me read from this article, titled A Best-Seller Built Around a Prayer and with the sub-title, Book Sparks Revival of Prosperity Gospel. Buried in what many religion scholars agree is the…

John 7:53-8:11 Last week I talked, in part, about healing and how the ministry of Jesus is inexorably connected with healing. Today’s text begins with Jesus in the temple doing what he did wherever he was, teaching and healing. The underlying drama in this story is that it takes place at the end of Jesus’…

Luke 9:18-45 With today’s text of the Transfiguration, we come to a most remarkable scene. It is a pivotal event in the life of Jesus and must have been a mystery to the three disciples privileged to be there. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this event in the life of Christ but not John…

Luke 24:36-49 Last week, Easter Sunday, I talked about the transformation that took place on Easter morning. In the period between Good Friday, the crucifixion of Jesus, and Easter when he was resurrected from the dead, the disciples of Jesus lived in an environment of despair, discouragement and fear. The sermon last week talked about…

John 20 There is a lot of excitement in my mind when I think of Easter. My memories of Easter growing up are of coloring Easter eggs and putting an empty basket by our bed on Saturday night. When we awoke, there was a basket overflowing with candy and some non-candy Easter gift as well….

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