Jeremiah 32 We come to the end, this morning, of our series of sermons on Jeremiah. I approach sermon series with fear and trepidation, I worry that we will not find enough of value to make the series interesting and helpful to us. I worry that it is the wrong place in Scripture for us…

Jeremiah 36 There was a Christian businesswoman who had to fly quite a bit for her work. But flying made her nervous so she always took her Bible along with her to read and it helped relax her. She was sitting next to a man on one flight who saw her pull out her Bible….

Jeremiah 29 I was not a great letter writer in my youth. Several years ago, my mother gave me a stack of letters I had written from summer camps, my year in Germany and so on. It was a small stack but it was great fun to read those letters. The letters are not long….

Jeremiah 20:1-18 No one likes to give bad news. Coming home to say that you’ve been given a promotion and a raise is a lot more fun than coming home to say that you’ve been fired from your job. A doctor finds it a lot more pleasant to come to the waiting room and say,…

Jeremiah 7:1-15 Reading the history of Israel and Judah can make you dizzy. A good king comes along and you swoop up to the glorious heights, and then a bad king follows and you plummet to the depths. Up and down. Good and bad. Hezekiah was a good king, ranked with David and Josiah as…

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