Romans 12, I Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 4 When I went off to college, my father went to the store with me and bought me some supplies. Rubber bands, paper clips, a stapler, scissors, tape dispenser, pens and pencils, a pencil sharpener, a slide-rule – all the things I would need to do the work facing…

Acts 4:23-35 John Gerber said last week that I always start off my sermons with a joke, so this week let me begin with a story of the history of the church. I was walking in San Francisco along the Golden Gate Bridge when I saw a man about to jump off. I tried to…

Galatians 4:12-31 Just this week we sent out a newsletter for the Village of Hope at Ain Leuh. We have struggled lately to have enough funds to keep up our building program and part of the problem is that we have not been good at getting out information about our needs. So we are trusting…

Galatians 3:15-25 This past week I was talking with Darrel Pack, a pastor in Casablanca who preached here just a few weeks ago. He asked me if I remembered the first sermon I ever preached and I remembered immediately the illustration I used but had to think a bit more until I remembered the text…

Galatians 3:1-14 [Start with kids building a block tower, adults a second tower and put a plate on top of each.] How stable were the churches Paul and Barnabas started in the area of Galatia? How vulnerable were the churches in the area of Galatia? Think about it. You live in a small city and…

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