Genesis 6-9 For those of you who have been with us for just a few weeks, you are probably unaware that we are finishing this morning, our series of sermons on Genesis 1-11 that we started in September. We started off well, but then circumstances intervened and we have taken a six week break from…

I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Life-changing events sneak up on us with no advance warning. In February 1989 our family visited my third cousins in East Berlin. In order to visit, we had to cross through the wall that separated East and West Berlin. We left a world of freedom and entered a world of repression.  We…

I Thessalonians 4&5 I stopped on the auto route the last night of Ramadan to help a car that had broken down. I tried to help push the car to get it started but that did not help. I could have lifted the hood to look at the motor, but unless I noticed they were…

Luke 16:1-15 I want to do a little experiment this morning. In one hand I have a lighted match. Now in the other hand I have a piece of paper. What will happen if I put them together? [paper burns up] How did you feel as I did this? What were you thinking? Did you…

Luke 16:1-15 I want to do a little experiment this morning. In one hand I have a lighted match. Now in the other hand I have a piece of paper. What will happen if I put them together? [paper burns up] How did you feel as I did this? What were you thinking? Did you…

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