Matthew 15:29-39 One of the earliest stories we learn about Jesus is his feeding of the multitudes. We have heard and read the story many times, but have you ever tried to visualize the scene? Jesus is on a mountainside, overlooking the Sea of Galilee. Great crowds come to him, bringing people who need to…

Matthew 9:1-8 Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? What comes to your mind when I ask this question? What’s the first thing you think of? I’ve asked this question to several people in the past week and while this was not a scientific survey, sexual thoughts are the ones that most often…

Matthew 8:23-27 Picture the scene. It’s been a long day, another day with Jesus, not that much different than the other days the disciples spent with Jesus. But that is not to say that it was an ordinary day. It’s been a day remarkably different from the days they spent before they met Jesus. Their…

Romans 3:1-8 Today we come to the last sermon on Romans we will preach this year (except perhaps for some special circumstance that arises). The first Sunday in January 2004 we will pick up with Romans 3:9-20 so study that passage and be ready next year for a sermon on it. Don’t let me hear…

Romans 2:12-16 How important do you think it is for us to have a thirst for knowledge? Did you ever stop to think that if God had not created us with a thirst for knowledge, it would be virtually impossible to have a cup of tea. Think about it? Who was the first person to…

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