Genesis 13:1-13 Because Iraq has been in the news so much over the past few months, my knowledge of geography in that region of the world has improved. So when I started looking at the Old Testament lesson for this morning that gives details of Abram and Lot’s journey from Ur to Canaan, I was…

various Saturday morning, as I was getting ready to leave for the bus trip to Ain Leuh, Franklin Elliot called me and told me about the news in Casablanca. I went online and made a quick scan of the report of the bombings and then left for the day. I had seen the reporting of…

Exodus 32 How would you like to have the kind of relationship with God that Moses had? Moses, in the reading from Exodus we just read, talked back and forth with God as if they were talking face to face. The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his…

Matthew 26:36-46 This morning is the last of a series of sermons based on questions Jesus asked in the Gospel according to Matthew. We began with, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” then “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?” Dave Robey preached on “Do you believe I am able…

Matthew 15:29-39 If you are like me, then you want a great many things. When I make a trip to and from the US, I get tired of sitting in a cramped seat on the airplane and my legs ache and what I most want is to be able to stretch out on my bed…

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