II Kings 2:1-19a This morning in our series of sermons on Elijah and Elisha, we finally come to the event that has been portrayed on the cover of our bulletin for the duration of this series. Elisha watching as Elijah is being taken to heaven in a whirlwind with horses and chariots. The events of…

I Kings 21 Imagine a man sitting by the side of his house, under his favorite tree, looking over his orchard. It is one of those beautiful days with a blue sky and a scattering of clouds passing lazily by, stimulating the imagination. He sits there content and full of memories. He remembers as a…

I Kings 17:1-24 There are two stories this morning. The first is the story of Elijah raising the son of the widow of Zarephath from the dead. The second is a longer story of Elisha rasing the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead. Why is it that when people read the account of…

I Kings 17:7-16, II Kings 4:1-7 We start this morning with three questions that came out of my study of the Elijah and Elisha stories we read this morning. Why does God do miracles? How should we respond to miracles? Where do we go if we want to see miracles? Why God does what he…

I Kings 17:1-6 It is sometimes said that truth is stranger than fiction and there is no better place to look in the Bible to see that this is so than in I & II Kings and the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah’s story begins with his declaration to King Ahab that there will…

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