Luke 11:14-22 Christmas is a holiday that brings powerful, deep-seated memories to those who grew up with this celebration. It is a holiday that is much anticipated by children. One of my family traditions was to have an advent calendar that we took turns opening. The calendar was a picture of a Christmas scene, perhaps…

Revelation 21:1-5 I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are walking down a country lane. The road is not paved, it is a dirt road. There are no cars or trucks. It is a beautiful day with a blue sky and soft clouds drifting along. There is a grove of trees on…

Matthew 13:44-46 This morning we enter into the season of Advent, four Sundays of preparation before Christmas. The word ā€œadventā€ comes from Latin and means ā€œcomingā€ or ā€œarrivalā€ and refers to the coming of Jesus into the world. The idea of having a period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ originated…

II Kings 5:19-27; 8:1-6 Two weeks ago the sermon focused on the story of Naaman, the commander of the army of Aram, who came to Israel seeking a cure for his skin disease. He did not come hat in hand begging for help, asking for charity, he came with a fortune. $1,000,000 US in gold,…

II Kings 5:1-19 The events of this chapter begin with a young woman captured in a raid on Israel and taken as a slave to Aram. Aram was a city state centered around Damascus and incidentally was the source of the Aramaic language that Jesus spoke. We are not going to dwell on this, but…

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