Mark 2:18-3:6 A man went into a restaurant in Paris and overheard a conversation between two men sitting next to him at the bar. “Where are you from mon ami?” “Lyons.” “Really? So am I. What school did you go to?” “Lycee de Victor Hugo.” “Really? I went there myself. What year did you get…

Mark 3:13-19 Almost from the time a US president is elected, there is speculation about who will be elected the next president four years later. At the beginning, when a list is made of who the potential candidates are, the man who will eventually be elected president is often not included in the list. Jimmy…

Mark 2:1-12 This story of Jesus and the paralytic is one of the more well known stories of Jesus. Part of the reason is that it is such an easy story to visualize. The home in this story is probably the home of Peter’s family where Jesus had earlier healed Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever….

Mark 1:40-45 After a wonderful week of Palm Sunday and Easter services, we are back to looking at stories in Mark’s gospel. We celebrated the big events in the life of Jesus but now we return to the stories of Jesus that make Jesus personal and real to us. A man with leprosy came to…

Luke 19:28-44 How did Jesus manage to celebrate his triumphal entry into Jerusalem when he knew he was going to be killed the following week? Ever since he had met with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, he had known what was coming. After that experience the gospels record that Jesus told his…

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