Mark 6:1-6 From time to time we read about some famous person who almost instantaneously moves from anonymity to celebrity. But one of the more touching parts of the story is the hometown parade. The whole town turns out to welcome this local man or woman who has made it big in the larger world….

Mark 5:21-34 Desperation causes people to do things they would not otherwise do. One of the horrifying sights when the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists was that of people jumping from the windows to their destruction. The sight of people jumping is so horrifying that the media who rarely seem to restrain themselves…

Mark 5:1-20 Where do crazy people come from? You can be cute and say the United States but that is not what I mean. I would bet that in almost every town in the world, there is someone who is viewed as  being a bit crazy. It might be the town drunk who walks around…

Mark 4:45f I went to a conference once where a pastor made a presentation of his Superman comic books. If you are not familiar with Superman, he is a comic book character who first appeared in June 1938. He was sent to earth as a baby by his parents who lived on the planet Krypton…

Mark 4:26-32 There are many stories I remember from when I was a child. One of the ones that fascinated me was a Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale, The Shoemaker and the Elves. It is a story too long to tell, but worth reading later this week. You can find an abbreviated version of it on…

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