Mark 13:1-32 A Sunday School teacher was trying to make a point in his class. “If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into heaven?” “NO!” the children all answered. “If I cleaned the church every day, mowed…

Mark 7:1-22 In the reading this morning from Mark, the Pharisees are once again on the attack against Jesus. Jesus has just demonstrated such amazing powers that they can’t attack him. He has been healing, casting out demons. He fed 5,000 men plus the women and children who were present from just a few loaves…

Mark 6:13-29 I recently saw part of an interview on CNN with former US president Bill Clinton and once again I was so impressed with his intelligence, his communication skills and his analysis of situations. I disagree with him about some of his presuppositions and I did not vote for him, but I admire his…

various How can you have an intimate relationship with someone in a coma? You go into his room to visit and read and talk but there is no evidence that the person in a coma has heard you. When you enter the room, he lies there doing nothing but breathing. When you say hello, he…

Psalm 90 A man once had a conversation with God. He said, “God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” God replied, “Certainly not, my son, ask away.” “How long is a thousand years?” “For me,” God answered, “a thousand years is like a minute.” The man then said, “That’s fascinating. And,…

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