1 Thessalonians 4:1-2, 9-12 In the US, prior to 1975, if you wanted to send a letter overseas by air, it was less expensive to send what was called an airmail letter. This was a blue, lightweight, single sheet of paper. You wrote inside the margins. When you were finished, you folded the paper up…

1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 In the absence of information, the mind begins to imagine. I worked with a man who was talented, but did not communicate a lot about what he was thinking. If I asked questions about his future, they were diverted. We worked well together, but when he did not tell me what he…

1 Thessalonians 3:1-5 Of Paul’s New Testament letters, Galatians is the earliest written and I Thessalonians is the second. I began preaching from I Thessalonians last January and we made it up to the end of chapter 2 before we entered the season of Lent. I’m continuing this January and we should get through the…

Luke 2:1-7 We are very familiar with the Christmas story. Is this the story you know? 2019 years ago, at the end of December, Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to register for the Roman census. Mary was pregnant, about to give birth at any moment and when they arrived in Bethlehem, they discovered there…

Various In this season of Advent, as we remember waiting for the birth of Jesus and wait ourselves for his promised return, we are focusing on how God is working in us to prepare us, the church, the bride of Christ, to be a pure bride on our wedding day when we will be taken…

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